February 3, 2011

Etsy Love: Amelia Kay Photography

I stumbled across Amelia Kay Photography today while browsing Etsy and fell in love.

 In her shop you will find nature, abstract and travel fine art photography.  You can take a look here.


Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

heading there now.

Lindsey said...

Well, it's official. I love you. I love your art. I love your blog. I'm so glad to have found you. My Salt Lake City heart has found an instant connection, even here from San Diego.

We're hoping to adopt soon and as soon as we get a little closer I will definitely be purchasing some of your prints...that is if I don't win one from Dionne's giveaway first!

Anonymous said...

Great blog! I am now a follwer from The TomKat Studio!

Swanky Baby

A day in Candiland said...

I am now following you on your blog from tom cat studio. Love your Love picture

Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsay, Im now a follower from the TomKat studio. Love your prints, belated congratulations on your first year :-)

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